
At its most basic level, our beliefs can be summarized like this: 

We believe that the Bible has come to us from God and is God’s Inspired Word.  It contains God’s message of love, hope and grace.  It reveals to us how we can live happier, fuller, and more peaceful lives.

We believe that Jesus is the only Son of God, that He is part of the trinity; He came to earth, lived among us, and taught us about God.  He died on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven and God raised Him from the dead three days later.

We believe that in order to be saved that you must enter into a personal relationship Jesus, accepting Him as your personal savior, and live your life in harmony with His teachings and the other teachings of the New Testament.


About The Christian Church Movement

- The Christian Churches (and Instrumental Churches of Christ) are a Brotherhood of Churches whose common purpose is to follow the New Testament pattern for the Church.  The original name of the movement was,  “The Restoration Movement.”  The idea was to restore the church to be like the church that we see in the Book of Acts

- The Theme of these churches is: "In essentials, unity; in non‑essentials, liberty; in all things, love!"

- Churches in the Brotherhood often work together to mutually support various Ministries, which include:

- Over Thirty Bible Colleges and Seminaries.

- Over Seventy Campus Ministries on State College Campuses.

- Over Ninety Christian Camps.

- Over 1000 Missionaries in 80+ different Countries around the world.